Musescore crashes whilst trying to lengthen voice 2

• Aug 9, 2012 - 04:33

Crash in Musescore 1.2 under Windows 7:

1. Select the whole rest in measure 2.
2. Attempt to change this rest into a Breve (8) or Long (9).
3. Musescore crashes.

I think this is due to their being something else in voice 2 a few measures later.


Behaviour confirmed on WIndows XP Pro SP3

Bearing in mind that the time signature is 3/4 why were you trying to change a rest (a full bar rest, not a semibreve btw) into a breve in the first place??

Are you able to see if this behaviour happens in the nightly builds of 2.0??

There will be no more bugfix releases of 1.x now as the full-time dev team focus on getting 2.0 ready for release.

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