Please add keyboard shortcuts to navigate score

• Aug 18, 2012 - 04:44

A very simple keyboard shortcut is missing that would help a lot of people, especially Finale users, have an easier time with MuseScore: The ability to navigate up and down staves with the computer keyboard. I thought the Alt+arrows were doing this, but was told this is actually an entirely different feature. It's a shame to break the workflow to use the mouse or trackpad when all you need is to jump up or down a staff and continue working.


ISTR that this has been requested before, but whether it has actually got into the issue tracker I'm not sure.

In any case I support this feature request 100%. It is extremely irritating to have to break your workflow and navigate to a stave with the mouse, particularly if it is a score with many instruments.

I have kind of got used to it over the time I have been using MuseScore, but I would prefer to be able to use keys.

In reply to by ChurchOrganist

I think it must just be an oversight that this simple feature hasn't been introduced. The mechanics of switching staves with the keyboard are already there, they just need to assign a different key stroke, perhaps, and do a tiny tweak on the behavior and voila a million users are happy :)

In reply to by [DELETED] 5

Sorry, this is a feature requests forum, so that is all I was doing... requesting a feature.

Of course I am not familiar with the codebase but was merely pointing out the obvious that using a keystroke to change staves already exists, it's just a question of which stave to navigate to, that's all. If it's not possible, that's fine, but there have been many requests for this, and suggesting we go code it ourselves does not seem like a polite answer to the feature request.

I will abstain from suggesting feature requests in the future and my apologies you were apparently offended, which was not my intention.

In reply to by andrewx

Please bear in mind that lasconic's first language is not English, therefore some of his posts may not come across as intended.

Also, you should bear in mind that the full-time dev team have got enough on their plate right now with the preparation of version 2.0 for general release.

MuseScore is open source, and therefore welcomes code from anyone prepared to dig into it and make a fork from GitHub. The suggestion to "code it yourself" was not intended as a rebuff, but more as an encouragement to get involved with keeping MuseScore as the finest open source scorewriter around.

In reply to by andrewx

I might guess the issue is that the current code does *not* have a means to change staves - it has a means of changing *notes*, which may or may not happen to be in different staves (note the same shortcut changes notes within a single staff). So there is no way to enter a staff that has no notes. Not saying it would be impossible to implement - I'm sure it would be possible - but it pretty clearly isn't just a matter of changing the order of staves in an existing algorithm, since the alt-arrow algorithm seems fundamentally different

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