Copy - Paste, Lyrics Selection

• Aug 18, 2012 - 23:34

I would love to see in Muse Score a Copy - Paste function that is used in Sibelius where you can copy and paste a selected items just by clicking simultaneously left and right button of the mouse in the place you want to paste the copied stuff.

Another request would be selection of the same type of items in one staff (like lyrics for example). The shortcut in Sibelius is Ctrl+Shift+A.



You're saying you want simultaneous left/right button to act like left button followed by ctrl-V?

Regarding the selection, it is already *possible* to select all similar on same staff - right click, select all similar items in same staff. And like most (but unfortunately not all) functions in MuseScore, you can define a shortcut for it if you like - Edit->Preferences->Shortcuts.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Simultaneous left/right button actually replaces 3 actions : ctrl+C, left button click and ctrl+V. I find this solution very "time saving". I would like to precise that my OS is Windows Vista.

I've created the shortcuts for "All Similar Elements" and "All Similar Elements in Same Staff" but they won't work in my case event if they appear in the right click menu.

And when I click on the "All Similar Elements in Same Staff" it works in the same way as "All Similar Elements"

In reply to by Master note

I don't understand - how can left/right replace both a copy and paste at the same time? Wouldn't that simply copy something and paste it right back to the same spot? I think it would help if you explained step by step how you see this working.

Regarding the shortcuts - you are right, there seems to be a bug in those particular shortcuts. I checked and this is still broken in 2.0. Have you ever submitted an issue to the tracker before? If not, this would be a fine place to start :-) See "Issue tracker" link in the menu at right of this page.

As for the different between all similar and all similar in same staff, of course, you won't see a difference if your systems have only one staff each. Or perhaps you were expect "same staff" to actually mean "same system"? You can get that behavior, too, but you have to click the "more" item in the right click menu and get to the dialog. This is something that should also have a shortcut, I would agree.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Here's an explanation of Copy & Paste with L&R mouse button :

-Select a group of objects, measure or measures that you want to copy
-Place your mouse cursor in the place where you want to paste it
-Click Left and Right mouse button simultaneously
-The selected objects are pasted in the new place

In reply to by Master note

Not trying to be argumentative, but that sounds looks and sounds extremely non-standard and non-intuitive (except, of course, to someone who has become accustomed this particular non-standard extension). It kind of saves a click,. I guess, if you happen to own a two-button mouse, but it's not like Ctrl-C / Ctrl-V hasn't worked just fine in virtually every program out there. Is there some special reason why music notation is so different from other things that it needs a special shortcut to the existing shortcuts? Personally, I'd rather see development be focused on areas that really *need* improvement. But since this open source software, I of course wouldn't complain if someone were to volunteer to implement this.

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