Guitar Tabs

• Aug 19, 2012 - 21:50

Hi There,

First I'd like to say that I really like musescore, amazing program and I use it for my normal music work all the time. Fabulous.

Lately I also wanted to start transcribing some guitar tabs and when I tried the latest beta I was not able to do what I really wanted. Actually I was not able to enter anything without lots of work. Not only that, it would be really great if it would work just like it does it tuxguitar (just for the guitar tab stuff though). Meaning, it would be nice if I had the choice of putting a track that had both the real music score and the tab together and then if I enter a fret number on the tab part, the music staff above gets populated automatically. Right now I haven't seen that way of working. Either that or I was not able to get it to work properly.

It's just a bit sad because now I'll have to use Guitar Pro or Sibelius for my guitar tabs...I wish I could keep using only one program instead. Tuxguitar was great too but it doesn't have enough export options and the page layout doesn't reflect the print layout...other than that I found it a real easy program to enter notes with.

Just a little feedback here. I really appreciate your work though!

Keep rockin'

Erick Paquin
Montreal, QC



Yes, the nightly builds/source code isn't suitable for serious use, but if you're careful and require it, you might be able to use it to some extent. They aren't actually beta either, but pre-alpha, I think :).

If you find a problem, what you could do is search to see if a report has already been filed and if not, create one :). For any initial reports, I would advice to add to the forum (Technology Preview focuses on 2.0), so that others (perhaps more experienced here) can help you.

The release of 2.0 is likely to occur at the end of the year, or early next.

Hi Erick,

Tab support is still in it's infancy in MuseScore, but it is still possible to do what you require in the Nightly Builds

You do this by means of linked staves.

If you create a Guitar staff as normal and before you leave the dialogue, click on "Add linked staff" you can then define the lower of the two staves to be a TAB staff through Stave properties. You will then find that notes entered in the TAB staff will automagically appear in the notation staff, and vice versa.


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