Linked Parts behavior

• Sep 8, 2012 - 18:26

I started playing around a bit more with linked parts today. There has long been a very basic issue with transposition that led me to assume the feature was still only half-implemented, but since hearing at the "hangout" recently that things should work, I decided to see. The transposition issue is still there, and I just filed an issue on it. But when I look past that and start playing with it, I see a lot of things to like, but a few things that confuse me. So I'd love it if someone could explain how things are supposed to work.

I've got the basic idea down as far as how to create these parts (eg, File->Parts, New All, then Create All Parts). I can see that notes entered in the score automatically appear in the parts and vice versa. Same for dynamics, articulations, etc.

Text items (staff text, rehearsal marks, etc), though, don't seem to work as I'd expect - items placed in the score don't appear in the parts and vice versa. I can see that sometimes I might want the ability to create items that appear in one but not the other, but most of the time, I'd want text to act like dynamics in this respect. Is this a bug or something I am missing?

Layout stuff works pretty intuitively. I was pleased to see I could add line breaks in one part and have it affect only that part, and that I could manually drag dynamics independently in score and parts. I'd like to also have a way to link these as well - a way to drag a dynamic and have it affect both score and parts. Finale, FWIW, has drags done in score view affect both by default, drags done in part view affect just the part by default, and a modified key (alt or whatever) to override the default either way. That would work. I also saw that while adding a frame to one part automatically added it to the score and all other parts, I could then size the frames differently between parts, or even delete it in some.

Hoiwever, I also found that changes I made while viewing a part weren't saved unless they were changes that affected the score. So a note change in the part was saved, but a dynamic drag was not. I assume that is a bug as well?

Not exactly related to linked parts, but I was also pleased to discover I could enter separate clefs for Concert Pitch on versus off. I thought I remembered this feature was present so I kept looking for a staff property to set the display clef, but eventually tried just dragging a new clef onto the score while viewing with Concert Pitch off, and found it kept track of this, showing me one clef with Concert Pitch on and another with it off.

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