• Sep 9, 2012 - 19:07

Will be good an option to remember the last directory that a file was saved. It could save a bit of time!


In reply to by underquark

That's different - it remembers recently saved files, sure, but each time you go to save a new file, it still defaults to the folder listed in your preferences. I think the OP is asking about situations where you are creating a lot of files and want them to all get saved to the same folder. This happens to me when I generate parts from a score, or when I generate a lot of examples for inclusion in a text document.

Assuming that's what the question is about, I just recently became aware that while "Save" always starts off in the default score folder, "Save As" *does* remember the last folder used. So as long as you use "Save As" for your initial save of a file rather than "Save", you get exactly this behavior. And of course, since it's a new score, there is no other difference between the two commands. Once I discovered this, I went and assigned a keyboard shortcut for "Save As" to make it easier access.

In reply to by [DELETED] 5

Here in Brazil we have ABNT (Associação Brasileira de Normas Técnicas - Brazilian Association of Technical Norms).
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This one determines when we write any subject, to emphasize it above the text, is needed to put it in upper-case. No way I'd shout with the people of this wonderful community, on the contrary, if I could to gift each one I'd do, because you helped me a lot. I did that because I like to standardize everything I do.

From now on I not will use upper-case letters in the subject again. Please pardon me by my bad English and for this mistake.

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