
• Mar 16, 2017 - 10:48

I have a piece of music where the trill flattens one of the notes which are not flattened in the score. In other words the trill is written with a flat sign above it. How do I get Musescore to recognise the flattened note of the trill? Thanks


If you use a trill line you can add an accidental to it, no problem. And it will play back correctly. If you use the trill from the aarticulations and ornaments palette you can't. You can add it as staff text and move it to the correct position but you can't have it play back correctly--until in some future version the problem will be solved.

In reply to by [DELETED] 130909

Click the note you want trilled, then ctrl click this first note after that you DO NOT want trilled, and the trill will cover the notes up to the second one selected. By the way, if you don't want it to look like a bar you can double click it and drag the line back to the "tr" until the line disappears.

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