My friends arrangement won't open

• Mar 17, 2017 - 01:36

My boyfriend worked super duper hard on a piece in memory of a student who died in a plane accident earlier this year. I wanted to listen to this piece because he was very proud of it and when he went to open it, the file would not open. He then sent it to his email and it said that it would not open because of some sort of virus on the score. This piece was almost finished and it was for an important symphonic band in our city. Now, I don't really expect anyone to respond, but, if you happen to know anything that could possibly help us in this situation, please respond. This means so much to him and it surely means a lot to me so I'm begging. We have been trying to figure this out for three hours and I am very upset with musescore because I thought that it was reliable and he is going to let a lot of people down if he doesn't finish this. Any help is appreciated...


Your email provider is saying the file contains a virus? This is probably not a problem with MuseScore—I can think of a few different kinds of user misunderstandings that are more likely—but please attach the file in question and we'll see what we can do.

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