Center Selected Note(s) When Zooming Page

• Sep 25, 2012 - 17:33

Would it be possible to center selected note(s) when zooming in on a page? Currently, the behavior seems to zoom into the top left most part of the page. Although it is easy to find the selected note(s) after the zoom operation it would make MuseScore just that much slicker in its usefulness and operation if the selection sat squarely in the center of the zoomed page.


In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Aha. You are so right.

All this time I've used Ctrl + + to zoom in and Ctrl + - to zoom out. All this time the mouse wheel was just waiting with the solution. I never ran into this anywhere in the docs.

Thanks a million.

By the way, I just want to thank you and the people like you who put in the time and effort to make MuseScore better and better every time I download a new version. Top drawer effort all the way.

In reply to by roussel

I think the use of the mouse wheel was one of the first useful things I learned here on the forum when I first started using MuseScore. Actually, don't use a mouse but rather a touchpad, and on my old computer it didn't have a "wheel" function at all as shippsed. But learning how useful this feature was (without ctrl, it scrolls vertically; with shift it scrolls horizontally) gave me incentive to download updated touchpad drivers just to get this working.

Anyhow, I'm happy to pass that particular bit of wisdom along! Actually, it's even better than I originally stated - it's not that it stays "centered", but the point under the mouse cursor stays fixed. So you can make it zoom however you like - just put your mouse somewhere then spin the wheel (or scroll zone).

I agree that this would be very useful behavior.

On my laptop, using the two-fingered "mouse wheel" gestures seems clunky and unresponsize. I'd much rather use keyboard shortcuts, but the fact that I lose my place when I zoom from the keyboard makes it frustrating.


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