Help with another corrupted file

• Oct 5, 2012 - 03:57

I created this file using a tabloid paper size. In retrospect I should have changed the page size before adding a note. But when I changed the page size, everything got mashed; I have notes crossing over bar lines (usually backwards into the preceding bar) and other strangeness. Can someone help me fix this, and more to the point, tell me how to fix this in case something like this happens to me again? Thank you one and all.

Attachment Size
In Remembrance.mscz 4.21 KB


You added too "less stretch" to the score. Select all (Ctrl + A) and go to Layout -> Add less stretch, 3 times.
Some measures like measure 46 or 82 will need special treatment, select them and apply less stretch several times.

When it's done, don't let MuseScore do what he wants and choose your line breaks depending on the music. Select a barline and press Return to add a line break. See Break or spacer .

A proposal attached.

Attachment Size
In Remembrance.mscz 4.58 KB

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