Just for info: Some Dorico features

• Apr 11, 2017 - 17:44

I have just tried Dorico. This is absolutely not a real big test, only some points:

** Insert mode **

Insert mode exists and works great. You can insert notes including when the text which follows has triplets without problem. The triplets will move correctly over the barline, using tied shorter notes values when necessary. You can also enter notes first and change rhythm afterwards, even add bar structure only afterwards (beginning with a score without any bar structure).
And when a long note is splitted into two shorter tied notes because it crosses a barline, it becomes a long note again if it is pushed completely in a new bar.
You can change the duration of several selected notes at once.

** No collision: **

Adding an articulation to a note under a triplet sign will slightly move the triplet sign and the result is nicely displayed without any manual adjustment. Hopefully we will have that in MuseScore 3.

** Copy/paste part of triplets: **

It works.

** PageUp PageDown **

It takes into account the size of what is displayed on screen instead of paging full pages as MuseScore does.

** Context dialog **

Editing "things" brings a context dialog, e.g. text brings a context dialog with access to styles. CTRL+Z (undo) works when you edit things (CTRL-Z doesn't work in edit text in MuseScore).

** Download size **

9GB... 2 days of download with my internet connection... just ridiculous. It's due to huge sound files which could be proposed separately.

** No fingerings, no chord symbols (yet) **

Making Dorico unusable for me

** File format **

Proprietary. Making that you take a "risk" encoding hours and hours of your music compared to MusceScore for which you have access to the source code.

** Engrave mode **

It is not intuitive, I could not just by trying things achieve some basic layout changes. Several options ending with [...] should open a dialog box but did nothing. So ... read the manual I suppose, but as I won't use Dorico (fingerings/chord symbols/propretary) I just stopped.

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