Reset the measure counter

• Nov 1, 2012 - 19:46

I have three separate mini-pieces on a sheet. One instrument, one staff. Each piece spans over two or three rows, it all fits on one A4 sheet. I use vertical frames to provide the piece title and adequate vertical spacing between the pieces.
What is giving me trouble, is the measure counter, ie the small digits appearing at the top-left corner of each non-first row. Currently MuseScore happily keeps counting all the measures until the last row of the third piece, and that, of course, is confusing. I don't know how to reset it so that it starts counting the measures from 1 again for the second and third piece (and hide the counter on the first row, of course).


In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

Thanks, Ok, that shows how to get rid of the measure numbering altogether.
But it doesn't let me reset the numbering to 1 at, say, 3rd and 6th rows. I like the measure numbering, but in each piece separately.

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