Chordnames Moving after Opening Score

• Nov 12, 2012 - 23:59

Every time I open MuseScore with the current project I'm working on, the chordnames that should be above the Trumpet 2 solo somehow find their way up at the top of the score. Is there any way to fix this? The solo begins on page 9 of the score and you will see that they should be above the Trumpet 2 staff however they are above Alto Sax 1.


Attachment Size
christmas waltz upload.mscz 31.29 KB


It appears that for some reason you have set the "System flag" in Style / Edit Text Style / Chordname. That flag causes a text item to appear on the top staff in the score and on every staff when extracting parts. It's meant for text markings that *should* appear in all parts. Turn that flag off and re-enter your chords and all will be well.

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