Irish Music - need help with measures please

• Apr 18, 2017 - 21:20

Unfortunately, I can't find the answer to my query. The score seems to default to 4 meaures and then for some reason on one of the lines, it has 2 stretched measures. Using the { } doesn't do anything except make one measure bigger and then other smaller. I am a compelte novice with Musescore so maybe the answer is staring me in the face. How do I edit the score so that I can tweak it to move measure sizes to fit them on the same line (in order to make the music easier to read). I am attaching the score to see if anyone can help. Thanks in advance.

Attachment Size
reel.mscz 18.3 KB


I think I fixed it for you. I just removed the line breaks you had in it and it reset the bar lines for you. Hope that helps.

In reply to by wonderto

In order to help we'd need you to attach the score. Clefs normally appear at the beginning of each line, that's normal and you shouldn't / can't delete them. Clefs appearing anywhere else are generally used to indicate a change of clefs. So you must have inserted a clef change somewhere, and now when you delete it, whatever clef was in effect before that point is in effect here as well, which will indeed change how the notes are displayed. That sounds perfectly normal.

The line break is placed for 4 measures in a line, but, you have , in this line, too many notes, MuseScore can't write the 4 measures, so, It writes 3 and the 4th behind alone, because the line break. If you delete the Line break MS write 3 measures and, behind 3 again. If you want 4, you must change the measure proprieties (see my FRENCH) Right click on the last measure of the line 1.png , it's open measure proprieties, at the bottom. In it, at the bottom on right, decresase with arrow.
It's write 1.00, put 0.80, apply, and look. If it's not enough, do the same in next measure of the line.

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