Unique Scaling for Each Page

• Apr 23, 2017 - 17:41

Hello! Is there a way I can create a unique scale for each page of a score? I have a score where a few staves are hidden on the last few pages which means that the scaling for the full score makes it fit the margins perfectly for the first few pages, but there is a large white space in the last few pages at the bottom because of these hidden staves. I would like to make the scaling of these pages larger to fill up the white space at the bottom. Is there maybe a fit to page or fit to margins option? Any ideas? Thank you!


It would not be standard practice to have different scaling, so no, this is not currently possible except by breaking your score into pieces. But the standard way to deal with the situation you are describing is to change the staff *spacing*, not the *scaling*. You can do that by adding spacers where needed.

In reply to by ahoffman702

Not knowing how your score looks like exactly I am not sure this helps but you can "automate" the spacing sometimes with the "maxiumum system distance" parameter (style>general>page): If it is large enough the systems on a page will spread out to cover the whole available area. Unfortunately this does not work (obviously) if there is only one system on a page.

And unfortunately a "maximum staff distance" parameter (which would work for a one system per page score) would have to be subordinate to "maxiumum system distance" and maybe this is why we don't have it.

Spacers work but they are tedious. If any corrections cause a re-layout you have to check them all over again and input some that are missing.

Another idea would be a spacer that applies to a selection rather than to a line. It would also allow uneven spacing when one instrument (e.g.a virtuoso piano part with voices and octave lines above and pedal lines underneath) needs more space than the others.

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