
• Apr 26, 2017 - 20:49

Dear Sir,

Please inform if it possible to increase height of letters in :


I saw a lesson about Text,Chords and Lyrics(Lesson 6 - www.youtube.com/watch?v=8nglDCxzfeA )
and it shows that I can make right click on a note for getting Text but I have a different view.
Is it because different version of Musescore?
Thank you.
Best regards,



You can change the size, position, and other attributes of text by right clicking the *text* (not a *note*). If you want to change the attributes of just that one piece of text, select Text Properties. If you want to change the attributes of *all* text of that type (all chord symbols at once, for example), select Text Style. You can also use the Inspector to change the *position* (but not size or other attributes) for as many elements at once as you can select.

This works in all versions of MuseScore starting with "2".

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