Shift+click to the note, and Ctrl+L doesn't work after working with group Properties pallette

• Dec 22, 2012 - 15:44

v 1.2
Well, i can't offer test sheets after all bags which follow one by one day by day and current sheet is private. Sorry.
Simply grouped them into three notes groups. Another yet, one part of three notes didn't want unite into three-notes group. This part of program obviously have bad code. I only started the new sheet and didn't make any another actions. I can't say anymore.

All bugs i wrote destroyed themselves. So they are flowing.


group properties palette??? Do you mean Beam Properties?
A step by step description would be needed.
But only if it can get reproduce it in the latest nightly builds it might get fixed.

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

Does it call Beam properties in English?

You will not believe, i got another crush a minute ago just simply cloning some measures in sheet which i only started and it have no any complex actions as 4/4 to 5/4 and more. So I begin work in nightly build with sheet and others.

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