Adding lyrics and maintaining dashes between syllables

• May 1, 2017 - 16:31

I now know the basics of adding lyrics, but there is one word in my score when I try to put a dash between it to divide the word over two notes, musescore automatically deletes it. The word is mercy. I would like to have a dash between the word. Thank you. See attached score.

Attachment Size
Forgive the World.mscz 25.5 KB


The dash is there (stored in the score file) but not shwon, as there is too Little space between the notes/sylables.
The next major version will improve and give a minimum dash lenght, in 2.x you can increase the note-to-note distance in Style/General.../Measure, in the attached from 0.25 to 0.45, or use system breaks to ensure less meeasures get put into one system

Attachment Size
Forgive the World.mscz 25.35 KB

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