when soprano voice goes lower than alto on same stave...

• Jan 17, 2013 - 22:32

it's not very clear with the beams which voice has which note: all soprano notes have upward beam and all alto notes downward beams, when soprano has a D for example and the a lot has a F, it's not very clear who sings what; since the notes are treated as being a chord. in the example look at the 2nd measure; the alto voice begins climbing at the end of the first measure and continues to do so, the soprano voice follows...it's already very difficult to see for the eighth notes, but when the alto has a quarter note b, and the soprano's continue the eighth notes, everyone's lost...

how could one shift the alto notes in that measure a bit to the left, so as to 'disassemble' the chord?


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example.mscz 1.66 KB


TBH I wouldn't attempt to write that in closed score - it is just too confusing for the performers.

When parts cross in that way, sticking to an open score (ie 1 stave per part) format is far clearer.


I agree if you have a lot of cross, it's best to not combine the parts. But for a note or two here and there, double click a note to enter edit modeand use the arrows (include ctrl-arrow) to nudge the head left or right. The stem will follow once you hit Esc to leave edit mode.

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