Collision help

• May 13, 2017 - 14:10

I noticed that sometimes moving the articulation to above the note and keeping the dynamic below the note keeps things from colliding. Make sure your linking line is attached to the correct measure (note) and staff and doesn't switch to anther measure or staff or it will be more messed up. I think as copyist, arrangers, composers want these instructions all in one place all the time. It's like putting a whole paragraph of information on the head of a pin. Always make sure you have plenty of room.

As a professional musician I want my sheet music clear and concise, especially if I'm sight reading. It is important that it is all correct.

Gustav Mahler is well known for an unbelievable amount of instructions besides dynamics, articulations, etc. (all in German) with each measure how he wanted it to be played. The copyist in his era didn't have computers they hand wrote it all in.

Best regards,
Hadley Hazen :)


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