Middle-C Clef with 2 systems for Pozzoli

• May 16, 2017 - 21:57

Hello. I was wondering if the following setup was possible. I've been reading the manuals but havent been able to found the answer.

What I want to achieve is a middle-c Clef with the measures both Up and down. If I use a "Grand Staff", there are about 4 octaves between the G-Clef and the F-Clef. I just wanted a range of 3-5 octaves.

Heres an example of what Im trying to transcript, from a Pozzoli lesson.


Attachment Size
WhatsApp Image 2017-05-16 at 15.57.03.jpeg 101.74 KB


This is not a built in feature of MuseScore but can be simulated.

Make a score with a grand staff such as piano.
In the style->General->page menu change grand staff distance to 2

Click each of the treble and bass clefs and press V to make them invisible.

Select the first beat of either staff and press ctrl-T to enter a staff text.

Press F2 to open the special characters palette.

Select clefs and double click the C clef. Change the size to 12 or 13 depending upon your taste and drag it into place.

I could not get the normal C clef to resize properly in the text box, so I used on with an arrow.

Here is the finished product.

Attachment Size
c clef.mscz 7.31 KB

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