Flexible/more configureable Player

• Feb 24, 2013 - 12:54


I use MuseScore primarly to practice cello, I write a partiture (or download it) and I play cello while hearing the partiture being played by the computer. Some times a practice many times a small set of compases, my problem is the following:
1. It is a little big unefficient to write every set of compasses in a new partiture just to practice them.
2. The same if I would like to safe the partiture as a wav file and load it on my iphone to practice.

DO you known if there is a function on musescore that allows you to play only certain compases of a partiture and maybe safe them as a wav file ( like for example in a printer, if you would like to print a document partially you can choose the sheets you want to print ).

kind regards



No built in facility, although this has been requested. Meanwhile, easiest workaround is to copy and paste the passage to a new score that is the length you want, I guess. Or, use software designed for this pirpos. For instance, if you save a full audio file then load it into Audacity, or an app like iLifft for iOS, you can easily regions to rehearse, loop, slow down, etc.

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