New composition / need feedback

• May 18, 2017 - 21:52

Currently unnamed composition that still needs work that I wrote in my spare time.
I would appreciate feedback for the name and on the actual score itself.
Features a flute, piano (treble and bass), cello and basso vocals.
Listen to it here:


Transposed into E minor it has way fewer accidentals and is easier to play. First change the Key Signature to Eb minor (6 flats), then transpose to E minor then select all and move Up/Down to get rid of the double sharps etc.

6/8 is more suitable for the first part, instead of 3/4
I suggest you review Huasteca (Huapango) style. (traditional mexican).
In this style, the upper structure is 6/8, while the bass is like 3/4, and this combination gives interesting results.

You should also think about changing the monotone chord structure. (Do not count if you intentionally want monotony)

In reply to by Ziya Mete Demircan

"You should also think about changing the monotone chord structure. (Do not count if you intentionally want monotony)"

It is obviouss to me that this intentionnal monotony, even if I would'nt simply resume with "monotony"

I like it a lot.
If I had wrote it I would probably have called it "celtic meditation" or "celtic yogi" especially because "ediatation" is not what come first to the mind^^

may be the last note could be a sixtennth note, and the rest of the mesure empty (and maybe put a last long last note after)

anyway... bravo^^


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