OCR function for sheet music that is hand written and/or printed

• Mar 19, 2013 - 16:42

Hello all I skimmed over the previous topics and did not see this capability. it will help reduse the time to scan in music that the old schoolers did by hand and or printed score. please email me at kunukasala@gmail.com if you can use the licence for the abbyy fine reader that i use to tie into the twaine. I think there is omni soft that is supposed to be better. thanks Asthika


I use Audiveris: http://audiveris.kenai.com/

Not bad for free software. I bought some orchestral score as pdf and it included only French horn in F, not alto horn in Eb. I used Audiveris to translate the pdf sheets of French horn to MusicXML, which I imported to MuseScore and did the transposing. Of course it all included some editing, but Audiveris helped a lot there. But I don't think any OCR program can do anything with hand written music. I guess it's far less work to rewrite it from scratch.

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