[Request] Add "Reset Value" button to each element in General/Text style editor

• May 29, 2017 - 13:02


As the inspector has a icon button "reset to value" for each adjustable value, it would be great if the Style (General and Text) dialogues also had the same. Sometimes I want to reset a specific global style, without resetting everything, but I don't remember the original value.



The problem is there is no one single "original" value. For scores created from templates, it might be the value in that template. For scores created by selecting instruments, it might the value in the style file you have specified in Edit / Preferences / Score, if any. But if you've explicitly loaded a style file into your score after creating it, maybe that's why you want to reset to. Generally, we don't keep track of all of these different "original" values, just whatever was in the dialog when you opened it, so that Cancel can work correctly.

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