File format

• May 27, 2013 - 14:22

I have several MusicTime files that I want to convert to Muse. Can someone point me to the file format for for Muse? Also, if you know the format for MusicTime files that would be great, too. I am a software developer so I can create the software to convert the two if possible. Thanks.


In reply to by Shoichi

No, I hadn't seen that. Thanks. However, it doesn't really give me a concrete solution without spending hundreds of dollars. I'm thinking that this would be a good utility if I can get both formats' documentation. Do you know where MuseScore's file format documentation is located?

In reply to by jcinkc

I doubt it's documented at all save for reading the source code, which you can find by checking out the "Development" link in the menu at right of this page.

I think if you're going to try to write a converter, you're *much* better off writing one to convert to MusicXML. Then MuseScore can import it, but so can lots of others programs. If people in that other thread were reporting problems, I wouldn't assume those are necessary due to MuseScore doing something wrong, but due to the MusicXML that was being fed it not being correct. Maybe at worst, MuseScore wasn't (at that time) handling certain non-standard of corrupt formulations, or certain bizarre things the OP was doing in his score. But if you write your own converter, then you can can just not make those same mistakes.

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