Copy and Paste

• Jun 1, 2013 - 05:07

In MuseScore, you can add multiple lines of music within a staff by using the color-coded boxes labeled 1, 2, 3, and 4 on the top tab. When I try to copy and paste the notes, though, the program isn't able to accomplish that. Is there any workaround besides just writing all of the notes out, or do I just wait for 2.0?


Can you be more specific about what you are trying to do - like attach a sample score and describe step by step what you are doing, what you exspect to see happen, and what happens instead?

Copy and paste works just fine in MuseScore, with multiple voices (which is the name for what you are talking about). Generally, you don't copy/paste individually notes, but rather, *regions*, which you select using standard OS shortcuts like click one note, shift click last. Also, shift-drag works to select a region. Once a region is selected, copy and paste copies all notes in that region regardless of what voice they are in.

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