Different staff properties for sections of music

• Jun 28, 2013 - 13:51

I would wish to be able to define staff properties for partial sections in a score (i.e., transposition, instrument names, type of notation, etc.), so I could write parts for a saxophonist who changes to flute or clarinet, or a percussionist who plays vibes, snare drum, cymbals and so on.

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Yes, that would be most welcome and has been requested often, so hopefully some day it will happen! For now, there are two main workarounds:

1) Create separate staves for the different instruments, then use "Hide empty staves" so only the relevant one is visible at any given point.

2) Just go ahead and enter the notes as if there was no change of instrument, and then do the transposition manually in the part and perhaps in a *copy* of the score. I recommend using a copy of the score, because of course this messes up playback.

In reply to by mtuliosax

FWIW, the fact that the first workaround I mentioned limits you to only changing instruments on system breaks is why I never use that one. But the second workaround really isn't that bad in my experience, once I got over my reluctance to have to go there. Takes all but a couple of seconds to do the manual transpositions, and I do that just before generating parts. Of course, having to generate parts manually is a drag in itself, but that much *is* already being addressed in 2.0. On the positive side, I do find that parts generated in MuseScore usually require less manual editing to look presentable than with Finale.

Anyhow, I do have some idea of what might be required in implementing "regional" settings, and this would also be useful to allow for true slash notation, etc. I have a sense that it's probably too big a change for anyone to want to tackle for 2.0, but this would be #1 on my list for a 2.1.

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