Corrupted File Again...

• Jun 8, 2017 - 05:18

This is the second time in the same week that a recently worked on file has been corrupted. Both files were completed scores, it's really frustrating when they are lost! Can someone help troubleshoot the file, the problem, or both? I've tried several times to find backup files but it seems that Musescore does not create one for me. The file in question is attached below. Thanks!

Attachment Size
Somewhere.mscz 152.2 KB


I strongly suspect that this is an operating-system dependant error where the file does not get zipped and saved fully. Three suggestions:

1] Save as uncompressed files (*.MSCX).
2] Make backups - don't rely on MuseScore (or any other program) to make backups for you.
(If you habitually Save As *.MSCX you get the opportunity to enter a new filename each time)
3] Use a different operating system (one that doesn't involve glass in frames, that is).

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