Having a repeat tune (or part of the tune) button in the playback dialog

• Jul 23, 2013 - 22:57

I really like the metronome addition to MuseScore, now what I'm missing, is a repeat button.

I see it the same way as in audio softwares (ie VLC) where there is a repeat button. If pushed, MuseScore would start again the whole tune when it finishes playing it.

A second addition I see would be to be able to repeat a part of the score using In and Out markers.

For me, that would be so convenient when learning a new tunes.

So this is a small feature I'd like to try to work on, and at the same time learn more about MuseScore 2.0 source code. But I'd be curious to know what other thinks about such a feature.

I attached the kind of repeat button I have in mind.

Attachment Size
media-playback-repeat.svg 5.51 KB


In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Thanks Marc, thanks for the links. I'm quite motivated to work on this issue. And since it seems no one has implemented it yet, I'd like to give it a try. Though, I'm pretty new to all this gitHub system, so I'm still not so sure how to contribute. I'm reading stuff about gitHub, but that would help to have a step by step article on how to make a change to the code and submit it to the MuseScore community.

At least, I'll start working locally with the code and analyse of to implement some repeat playback functionality.

In reply to by vgStef

Seems like the existing pull request might still be useul as a starting point.

As for Git, the "git workflow" page in the developer handbook is pretty good. It doesn't help you understand what you are doing, but it does give a step by step method that you can follow without understanding (as I did for some time until finally getting the hang of it more or less). The various Git tutorials out there (including the free ebook) are useful for understanding, although not as mich as I might have hoped, because they don't realy address how MuseScore uses Git specifically - the case where there is alrady a repository, you start by forking it on GitHub, then clone that locally, then keep your local copy synchronized with your own Github fork but use pull requests to then push stuff from your GitHub fork to the main repository. That whole process is not rewally covered well in the Git tutorials. But the basic understanding of Git you can get from those tutorials, plus the workflow page in the handbook on this site, should get you started.

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