Provide a keyboard shortcut for the rest button

• Jun 12, 2017 - 04:40

When I am entering notes on a staff I make heavy use of the keyboard shortcuts for the various note types and the period for toggling dotted notes on and off. I wish there was a keyboard shortcut for toggling the rest setting on and off.

If I have the mouse hovering over the staff, inserting notes while my other hand is hitting the keys 3 through 7 and the period, it would be convenient to also be able to hit a key to change the mouse cursor to rest-insertion rather than doing that by moving the mouse up to the bar and back. Is the letter 'r' being used as a keyboard shortcut for anything else?


You can create your own custom keyboard shortcuts. R is currently used for "Repeat selection". If you go into Edit->Preferences->Shortcuts, you'll find (you can type in "rest" into the search bar to make it easier) an option for "Note Input: Rest". This is what you want. I personally have mine set to alt+r.

Hope that helps!

Or you can use the keyboard to enter the rest, if you've set the duration with the numbers already, simply pressing number 0 will insert a rest with the selected duration.

As mentioned, there are indeed such shortcuts available. But I'm curious about your use case - you are using the keyboard shortcuts for duration but then still clicking with the mouse to enter the notes themselves? Is there a particular reason for this rather than simply using the keyboard for everything?

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