A score using the new Mensurstrich feature of the (forthcoming) ver. 2.0

• Aug 29, 2013 - 23:16

A short note to let everybody interested know that I have just published my first score using the new Mensurstrich feature which will vailable in the forthcoming MuseScore version 2.0.

It is an edition of G.M. Asola's Madrigali a 2 voci; it can be downloaded in several versions (different clef sets, 'normal' or Mensurstrich) and in different formats, including MuseScore 2.0 files, from my score site .

Comments and suggestions are welcome!




Your scores look great. I do have a question for you: How do you go about placing preliminary clefs (showing original notation) before the modern ones? This is one feature I've been trying to figure out.

In reply to by zstadt

They (known as incipit) are just embedded SVG files. They have to be prepared before-hand (I use Inkshape), one for each incipit. Then:

1) Insert a horizontal box before the first measure
2) Right-click it, select "Add | picture" and navigate to the right SVG file
3) Use the Inspector (F8) to place the SVG at the right position in the box.

A set of ready-made SVG shapes useful to draw incipits for Renaissance music is available at my score site and can be freely downloaded and used under the Creative Common by-sa license.



In reply to by Miwarre

That's the word I was looking for; couldn't remember it for the life of me.

Thank you for your help. I'll have to give that a try with some of my scores.

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