Songbook - transposition

• Jun 25, 2017 - 14:55


I just purchased Songbook, and I do find it a great idea, especially for transposing any piece of music in 12 keys, like I use it for. There are a few issues, however.

1) I would like to have control over simplifying the double sharps/flats or not. Personally I want them there, because the logic of the melodic line is not lost. I understand that many want them simplified, so all I am asking is the obvious: let us choose accidental simplification or not. If not, double sharps or flats. If yes, as is.

2) I want to have control over the exact key I am transposing into. If I want Gb (6 flats) but it keeps giving me F# (6 sharps) as it currently does, that is a big problem. There are 15 key sigs out there, not 12. Also, if there are changes of key signatures and there are multiple possible targets, why not give us control over which key signature to select.

3) In case of highly chromatic or atonal pieces, I would like the transposition to be doable without key signatures at all. Just chromatic intervals up or down. Again, accidental simplification being an option. If it contains chord symbols, however, they should be able to change accordingly. Again, simplification of chord symbols should be an option, not compulsory.

4) In chord symbols: can we retain the simplification of their roots as an option? In Eb, the bVI is not a B! It is a Cb. But some would want it B. Not me, but to each one's own.

5) What about transposition of custom key signatures? If we have a piece from microcosmos and want to play it in another key signature?

Thank you



You have echoed the requests many other people for MuseScore to do. Since I'm not familiar with song book I don't know about the double sharps and flats, but the transposition feature in MuseScore has the option of allowing double sharps & flats.

Hi Sami,

Thank you for sharing your feature requests. While we can extend the transpose functionality with a lot of extra functionality, we need to safeguard the simplicity of the app as well. An immediate solution would be to use the MuseScore notation software and apply the transpositions you like to achieve and open the result in the Songbook app.

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