Spammer Alert!!!

• Jul 9, 2017 - 09:22

Guys, is there a way to report on user pages? There is no 'Mark as spam' button anywhere!!!

Seriously. I just can't stand seeing this. What's up with these Indian spammers sharing their phone numbers here on MuseScore??? Look at the userpage I posted above. Why would someone post the EXACT SAME song multiple times? (As well as promoting their whatever it is, no-one-cares service.)

These Indian spammers have been infesting the Sheet Music section for months already. I visit MuseScore often just for listening to the awesome music various users create. Whenever I see their user pages, they usually have 5 EXACT SAME scores (usually the blank Untitled score that appears when you open the MuseScore app), all promoting their phone number.

Well, this time I listened to this score by the user above (appealing thumbnail). It's really well made for someone unpopular. But then... there's also a chance that they stole it from someone??? I don't know.

Seriously. If these guys want to promote such things, please use a website dedicated for such things. MuseScore is for music, NOT for anything else, especially for the things that these guys spread.

*Sigh* I'm sick of seeing these. MuseScore should improve their security to prevent these nuisances...


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