GSoC 2017: Accessibility - Week 7

Posted 7 years ago

This week I worked on assigning a shortcut to a palette element.

Key accomplishments

  • nextElement and prevElement commands have been merged:
    The work I had done on the nextElement and prevElement commands has been merged into master. Please feel free to try the commands out.
  • Palette element can be assigned a shortcut:
    A shortcut can be assigned to a palette element using the palette shortcut manager, which displays the list of palette elements. The GUI of this is similar to that of the plugin manager. On using the shortcut, the palette element is applied.

Key tasks that stalled

  • Assigning shortcuts to palette elements
    It took time to get this working.

Tasks for the upcoming week

  • Provide an option to set a shortcut in the context menu of a palette cell
  • Add a shortcut command to set a shortcut to the currently selected palette element
  • Make some modifications to the palette navigation code:
    The palette selection should be cleared once the element is applied. The selection should also be cleared if the palette search is cleared.