Playback control for plugins?

• Oct 28, 2013 - 15:19

I've been looking all day. Is there any way to either...

1) play( Measure 2 to Measure 6)


2) Set the cursor to the beginning of measure X.

And completely separate, is there a way to, via plugin, add loop start and stop points aside from just a repeat sign?

Currently my best solution for each of these things is to just copy the section I want to a new score, but I feel like I shouldn't have to do that to control playback with a plugin. Maybe there's a way to access the play panel?


I don't know a way to do this in 1.3. Might become possible in 2.0, as the whole framework is revamped. But if you goal is simply to implement a loop feature, you won't need a plugin for that - 2.0 has a native loop function. And although the nightly builds are not stable enough to use for serious score creation / editing, it should actually work very well in most cases to load a 1.3 score into a nightly build for playback purposes. Select a region, click the loop icon, hit play...

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