ALT to switch to next to nearest note

• Aug 9, 2009 - 17:21


when editing notes via the keyboard, musescore always takes the octave with the nearest note to the previously entered one. It would be very helpful to be able to select the next to nearest note by press "ALT" (or any other suitable modifier key).

Also, being able to delete notes by pressing backspace would make entering sheet music more convenient, i.e. the note should be removed and a pause create and, if necessary, joined with other pauses form that bar.

Thanks a lot, this software is great!


I don't know if there is any suitable modifier keys available. For example, Alt+F is a standard shortcut for opening the File menu, Ctrl+A is a standard shortcut for Edit > Select All, Shift+A through Shit+G is already used for adding notes to a chord.

MuseScores current solution is probably better anyway. You can shift the octave after the fact rather that trying to predict where the next note will land. For details see the last few paragraphs of note entry

In reply to by David Bolton

Thanks for refering to that entry in the manual, I had indeed missed that section. The Windows key will most likely be not an option either, as the program is supposed to run on Macs, as well. Capella distinguishes between left and right shift key, but again this doesn't seem to be a good solution. So I guess you are right, the current solution seems to be the best one.

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