Rests and Glissandi

• Jul 19, 2017 - 22:38

I was just wondering if there was a way to delete rests in Musescore. To Explain, In my piece I have a glissando. However there are rests in the staff while the glissando is occurring. As a result, the glissando cuts out frequently and won't even play the last note. When i try to remove the rest, it will not allow me to delete it. I understand that musescore uses rests to fill empty space and deleting a rest without inserting a note is impossible, but the glissando is part of the music and therefore should fill the space, correct? I am not incredibly experienced in music notation so i do not know if the rests will matter in the final piece, but if there is a way to remove the rests, that would be very helpful.

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Glissando.png 8.66 KB


You can make the rests invisible by clicking on them and pressing 'v' but to get an answer as to what is actually going on with your glissando you need to post the actual MuseScore file and not just an image. At a guess I'd say you're using Voices wrongly (or, at least, suboptimally).

In reply to by underquark

The piece looks to be in 3/4 time. the best thing to do is move the note in the bottom staff to voice 1, select and press ctrl-alt 1. That will leave a rest in voice 2 which you can either delete or make invisible by pressing V. It will probably appear gray on your screen, but will not print. Any rests in voice 2 can simply be deleted. They will be green when you click them. If you want the rests to remain due to the multiple lines being played by the instrument, then you can select a rest and press the arrow keys to move them to better places on the staves.

If the piece is in 4/4 time then the ideas are the same, but a little more complicated.

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