Version for Android

• Nov 19, 2013 - 22:33

l noticed there is an app for Android where it's able to read MuseScore files. Is there any plan to enable editing of these files on Android? I.E. is there any plan of porting this app to Android?
Thanks for your answer.


Our first goal is to create an app which supports learning, practising, rehearsing and performing your sheet music. There is still a lot to do to get there. Once we've managed, we can start thinking about a mobile editor. What is important is that the mobile editor UI/UX will be much different from what you are used to with the current editor for desktop as designing for touch interface requires a total different approach.

I just logged into the Android Marketplace after receiving several notifications from Musescore that an Android version was now available.

I was surprised to see that as of today May 18, 2014, the app isn't available there (or if it is, it is hidden under some cryptic name).

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