Proper repeat notation

• Nov 23, 2013 - 03:55

What is the proper way to notate the following:

At the end of the piece, go back to the head and repeat the first six bars, three times, fading each time successively?



There is no standard notation that means exactly that, of course. Best thing to do is write it all out - actually add 18 barst o the end of your chart, with a notation to fade wherever you want that to happen. That is clear and unamibuous and you won't waste rehearaal time explaining your intent. But simply adding a text message saying more or less exactly what you wrote abive has some chance of getting the job done, if you don't mind a bit of trial and error in rehearsal, and then repeating that experiencing each time a different group of musicians plays the piece. I find I have less and less for that sort of thing, and almost always write things out.

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