Permanently changing colors in ColorNote Plugin?

• Dec 12, 2013 - 02:05

Hi there:
Is it possible (and easy -- non-programmer here!) to change the color designations in the ColorNote Plugin? My kids play violin and I'd like to use four colors -- one color per string. They can kinda read music, so I'm hoping the colors will help identify which string, and they can figure out which note on that string.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!



Changing the colors in the plugin is relatively easy and straight forward, just open it in an editor and change the RGB values.
But that won't help you to color as per the strings needed to play certain notes, as the plugin still colors per semitone.
Writing a plugin for your purpose should be possible, but an algorithm would be needed that decides which note to play on what string.

One thing you could do is notate the different strings as different voices (the violin has 4 strings, and MuseScore up to 4 voices) then use the color voices plugin. Downside: quite some work to enter it and lots of rests you'd have to hide.

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