Linked Scores appear whenever I open a file to work on it

• Dec 24, 2013 - 04:05

Recently I have been doing some new work with "joined" scores. Apparently I changed some permanent setting in doing so and now every score I open comes out with a side-by-side duplicate

I have just completed a long work for a publisher and when I went to sent it via Drop Box I found this situation of all scores being "joined."

Can you suggest how I can solve this problem?

Charles Allen Winold
Professor Emeritus Indiana University Jacobs School of Music


I'm guessing you simply turned on the "Documents Side by Side" option in the Display menu. Your scores are not actually linked; you're just seeing two copies because this option is on. This option is meant for viewing two *different* scores, but if you have only one open, it will indeed show it to you twice. So just turn that option back off.

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