Add "Arrangement" as "Format" under "Song Details" on

• Jan 4, 2014 - 23:28

Hello everyone!
I don't know whether this is the right place to ask for changes to the website.
My actual request is a nitpick, however, i think it makes sense and is easy to fix.
When uploading(or editing) an mscz file to one can enter meta information, among which, there is the "Format" - drop down. A number of useful entries are there, but "Arrangement" would be a great addition to the list.
Sincerely, Rafael


In reply to by xavierjazz

1. Go to your page on ("some_number")
2. Top right -> "My profile"
3. Select a song from you page
4. When the sheet music is displayed, click on "Edit this score" on the right
5. Scroll down and click on "Song details"
6. It should look like this: Bildschirmfoto vom 2014-01-05 12:09:52.png

I upload many arrangements. All I am asking for is to add "Arrangement" as an item in the drop down list, it should be a no-brainer.

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