Changed instrument list, nothing changed in the program

• Jan 9, 2014 - 04:43

Hello everyone. I went in and got rid of every instrument that I don't use in the instruments.xml file. I also remapped every sound preset in the soundfont. After I made the changes, I restarted musescore and to my surprise, all of the instruments and groups were still there. What happened?


You don't say what version of MuseScore or what OS, but probably you need to use Edit / Preferences to tell MuseScore to use your custom instruments.xml

FYI, in 2.0 there will be "genres" predefined that include typical subsets of instruments for you, and you'll be able to exit the file to add custom genres. So you won't have to actually delete instruments to get them out of the way.

In reply to by ChapterSevenSeeds

I suspect if you go back to Edit / Preferences, you'll see the instrument list actually says ":/data/instruments.xml". The ":/data" refers to the built-in instrument list; you can't edit that. You have to actually tell MuseScore to read an instrument list from a file - eg, "C:\Program Files (x86)\MuseScore\templates\instruments.xml" - if you want it to do so.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Well, it turns out that I did select the correct instruments file but I just forgot to restart musescore. After going into the preferences and changing the settings, I just simply forgot to restart musescore. So, like 5 minutes ago, I opened up musescore and it gave me an error that was in the instruments file. So I went in, fixed the error, and now everything is working as expected. Thank you for your help!

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