Modified Stave Notation - how customisable is Musescore for people with visual difficulties

• Jan 21, 2014 - 21:31

I have been reading about Modified Stave Notation and talking to the people who work at the RNIB to create personalised MSN for people with visual difficulties. I understand that they use Sibelius to create MSN but I was hoping to use Musescore. I need to create music that is 2 bars per page with large note heads, thin stave lines and thin note lines. This is the research advice given by Prof Wilkins to help people with Irlen syndrome read music. Hope you can point me in the right direction. Thanks.


You can already set the music as large as you want - go to Layout / Page Settings, set "Space" to however big you want the space between staff lines to be. You can also isnert line breaks anywhere - see the Breaks & Spacer palette, or click a barline and hit Enter.

When you make the Space setting larger, everything scales larger, including staff lines and stems. Starting in MuseScore 2.0, you will be able to make those proportionally thinner.

There are a number of people, myself included, interesting in improving accessibility further after 2.0 is release (probably later this year).

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