Half Time/Double Time Notation

• Aug 13, 2017 - 13:19

Dear people,

When I'm writing new compositions I have to deal with the important aspect of readability of the score/parts. Sometimes I realize afterward it would be better to rewrite the whole piece in a half time notation (every quarter becomes a half note, every 8th note becomes a quarter, etc.), increasing the readability of the score/parts. The picture ( Half Time.png ) is a good example of this. But it can cost loads of effort (especially writing for big ensembles) to manage this by hand, and therefore I was wondering if MuseScore features this ability. Does anyone know this?

And when that is not the case (as I can imagine), is there a possibility for the programmers of MuseScore to take this into account, and maybe consider implementing such a function in a next update?

Kind regards,


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Half Time.png 35.53 KB

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