Time Signature of 3/2 and a tempo of 170, but MuseScore plays the music as if the BPM is based on the quarter note.
I have a score that has a 3/2 and a tempo of 170 BPM, but MuseScore plays the score as if the BPM is based on the quarter note. This can be seen in the MusicXML file created when I export the score to MusicXML:
This is clearly wrong, wrong, wrong. To be honest, I am extremely surprised to find this in MuseScore.
I was unable to find where in the MusicXML file, the playback tempo is set, but my assumption is that it must be governed by the metronome parameters.
Attachment | Size |
Game of Thrones Theme.xml | 53.33 KB |
Indeed, MuseScore (and MIDI too!) reads BPM to mean quarter notes per minute.
But is you use a tempo text of 'half note' = 170, MuseScore does that and converts it to 340BPM automagically
This is mentioned in the handbook, and I've just now tried to make that more clear.
But see also #12717: Incorrect handling between time signatures and BPM