Tablature with musescore 1.3 (pc)

• Feb 4, 2014 - 01:52


I've been looking on the site to find any information on the site. And I don't seem to have the same feature as those who putted the answers.
I saw that you had to right click on an empty part of the staff to go to "staff properties" and then change the type of staff to tab. But I don't have the type option, can someone tell me why and/or know how I can use tabs?

Thank you!


This feature doesn't exist in MuseScore 1.3 - anyone discussing it was discussing the "development version" (probably the "nightly builds) that will eventually become 2.0. No word on when it will be released. You are welcome to download a nightly build to experiment for yourself (see Download link in menu at right), but they are definitely not suitable for real work yet.

In reply to by louisc

To avoid confusion, the local handbook mentions (many times):
"The following page documents features in an upcoming version of
MuseScore. These features are only available for testing in the latest nightly
builds. This page should not be translated yet."

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