Single, spaced bold text characters in staff text comments are joined after re-opening a doc

• Aug 19, 2017 - 15:10

Here is the scenario in detail.
Suppose I have a basic score on a grand staff with a mixture of quarter, 8ths and 16th notes - a "typical" Bach/Handel 2-voice polyphonic texture for keyboard.
I'm doing intervalic analysis, that is I'm adding harmonic interval values between notes of the 2 voices. I'm entering these values as text in a group of 4. Of the 4 consecutive numbers in a group, for instance '6 3 4 3' some are marked in bold to show them as essential intervals.
When I finish entering the values I save the file. Everything looks fine before I close it. Once I re-open the file the bold characters that appear next to each other are joined together.
For instance, if in the previous text example '6 3 4 3' figures 6, 3 and 3 were in bold and 4 in regular font (not bold) on re-opening the file the text would look like '63 4 3'.
That means that if between two bold figures like 3 and 3 in my example there was placed a figure that is not bold, in this case 4, the spacing between all three figures would not be disturbed.

However, when I fix the spacing between bold characters on re-open and then close and re-open it againg everything stays as expected. The problem is only evident on the first 'save-close and re-open'.

I'm attaching 4 files:
- three jpegs showing the process of entering the figures
- a MuseScore file that is originally saved and re-opened with the bold figures' spacing disturbed


It seems you are still using 2.0.3. I don't see any issue in 2.1; your example file opens fine. I believe this was probably fixed as part of #75816: Spaces lost between words with text markup.

For the record, it seems to me it would be much simpler to simply use Lyrics for this purpose. Then the individual letters would automatically get aligned, you could enter them one after another with the space bar.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Marc - I just checked the Lyrics text. Great stuff! It suits my needs better than I could imagine. I only have to enter the first figure and then it jumps to the next note pair with the right arrow press. As you said alignment happens automatically.
You are so helpful!
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