Number of lines on Staff

• Aug 29, 2017 - 13:08

I'm having trouble with adjusting the number of lines on a staff. If I have 1 line, it seems to display the notes in the correct position relative to the top line. (E is below the line, F is on the line, G is above the line).

However, when I switch it to two lines, now all the notes are in different positions! B starts below the first line, and G ends up 2 spaces above the second line. Is there a solution for this? Can I hide individual lines? I'd like it to display only the top 2 lines with the notes in the correct positions.


I'd say this is a bug. F shows on the top line when there are 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 lines but is one line too high when there are only 2 lines. A workaround is to go into Inspector and adjust the "Fix to line" property to 2. Another workaround would be to use the French Violin Clef and use Inspector to move the clef up to the G space above the stave.

There is no "correct" interpretation for a staff of anything other than five lines - it's all subjective at that point., depending on what particular personal / experimental notation you are trying to achieve. It's likely you can get whatever results you might prefer by choosing a different clef than whatever you are currently using.

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